
Vivid Stageshow

They cannot see the explosion my head has. They cannot see the thousands of bodies lying in the ruins of my mind. They cannot see the truth because I'm so fucking great at this play. I'm the best actor in this act. So I dramatically wave my hand and leave the stage.

Middle School Misanthrophy

I kiss the dirty concrete and it leaves a drpping red memory. I fall down and wish for last breath but the hands off injustice will not let me rest. It's been long time. Long time from last time my lips weren't bleeding or that my eyes weren't sealed by pain. I pray for feelingless me to kick but it refuses to save me. So I shower my head in toilet against my will, so lick the dirty shoes. But still, no matter how I try, the things I do won't take the pain away.


this life does nothing else to me but brings me down. i pray i could go but no. the fucking gold plated plastic spoon has been stucked in my throat but it won't let me choke. fuck this shit. just
fuck and then fuck a bit again. there are no reasons.